Ms. Alice Walker

Hello My Name Is...
Ms. Alice Walker      

I'm the fourth grade math teacher.  This is my eighteenth year teaching.  I have taught 3rd grade through 6th grade.  I have a Bachelor of Business degree, a Master of Education degree with a concentration in Curriculum and Instruction. 

 My goal for my students this year is for the students to be independent and have high expectations for themselves. 

My goal for myself is to make sure I have done my part in preparing my students for academic success.

 Fourth Grade Schedule
8:00-8:15 Advisory
8:15-9:35 Block 1 Math
9:35-11:10 Block 2 Math
11:10-11:40 Block 3 Math
11:45-12:15 Lunch 
12:15-12:45 Recess and Restroom
12:45-1:45 Block 3 Math
1:45-2:30 Intervention and Acceleration
2:32-3:17 Enrichment
3:18-3:30 Restroom
3:30 Dismissal