KJTMA actively involves parents and caregivers through family learning experiences, fostering a strong partnership between home and school. Parents are encouraged to join the PTA, allowing them to participate in on-site decision-making and play an active role in shaping their child's educational journey.
For parents who may not be able to join the committee, there are various other ways to engage with their students. Volunteering for field trips and assisting in their planning process is an integral part of the curriculum at KJTMA. Staying informed by reading the weekly parent newsletter helps parents stay connected with their student's experiences.
Additionally, KJTMA offers numerous parent and family engagement opportunities throughout the year, including events such as:
- Grandparent’s Day
- Open House
- Hispanic Heritage Month
- Black History Month
- Red Ribbon Week
- Breast Cancer Awareness Program
- In and Out Family Picnic Day
- Night on the Mic
At KJTMA we strongly believe education is a collaborative effort that extends beyond the campus into our students' home environment. Parents are encouraged to read with their children, make homework enjoyable, and leverage technology to support their children's success both inside and outside of the classroom.